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- Kocabıyık, M., , Y. O. M. &, T. Ç. İ. (2022). Current Debates and Researches in Science and Engineering 5, Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları
Karabulut, P. M., Turhan, Ç. İ., Oğuz, H. & Çömez, İ. (2024). Moving contact problem of a functionally graded orthotropic coated half plane. Acta Mechanica, (), - . 10.1007/s00707-024-03927-w
Turhan, Ç. İ. (2023). An Application of Nonstandard Finite Difference Method to a Model Describing Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications. Journal of New Theory, 2023(45),105 - 119. 10.53570/jnt.1391403
Turhan, Ç. İ., , O. H. &, Ç. İ. (2023). Partial Closure of a Crack Located in an Infinite Orthotropic Layer Indented by Flat Punches. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (), - . 10.1007/s40997-023-00695-1
Özkan, S. &, T. Ç. İ. (2023). An application of Lobatto–Chebyshev method to a nonhomogeneous plane problem with two cracks. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 47(), - . 10.1002/mma.9689
Kocabıyık, M., , Y. O. M. &, T. Ç. İ. (2021). Standart olmayan sonlu fark metodu ile dağılımlı mertebeden SVIR modelinin nümerik analizi. Balikesir Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi, 23(2), - . 10.25092/baunfbed.893658
Turhan, Ç. İ., , K. M. &, Y. O. M. (2021). Stability Analysis of Discretized Model of Glucose–Insulin Homeostasis. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 17(4),369 - 377.
Yusufoğlu, E. &, T. Ç. İ. (2020). A quadrature approach to the generalized frictionless shearing contact problem. Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences, 13(), - . 10.32513/tbilisi/1585015222
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, Ç. İ. (2018). DETERMINATION OF STRESS INTENSITY FACTORS IN AN ORTHOTROPIC STRIP WEAKENED BY TWO CRACKS. Anadolu Universitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi-A: Uygulamali Bilimler ve Muhendislik, (3),768 - 783. 10.18038/aubtda.418710
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, Ç. İ. (2017). A Quadrature Approach for N-Collinear Crack Problem in an Orthotropic Strip. David Publishing Company, 7(5),213 - 224. 10.17265/2159-5291/2017.08.001
Damla, A., , M. Y. O. &, İ. T. (2014). Nonstandard Finite Difference Schemes for Fuzzy Differential Equations. J. Applied Functional Analysis - JAFA, 8(2),183 - 193.
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, İ. (2013). A numerical approach for a crack problem by Gauss–Chebyshev quadrature. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 83(11),1535 - 1547. 10.1007/s00419-013-0760-7
Yakıt, O. M. & Turhan, İ. (2013). A Numerical Comparison for a Discrete HIV Infection of CD4+T-Cell Model Derived from Nonstandard Numerical Scheme. Hindawi Limited, 2013(),1 - 9. 10.1155/2013/375094
Ahmet, Ş. &, İ. T. (2012). Cost Minimization Of Recycling Processes At Eti Aluminum Plants. SDU Journal of Science, 7(1),45 - 55.
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, İ. (2012). A mixed boundary value problem in orthotropic strip containing a crack. Elsevier BV, 349(9),2750 - 2769. 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2012.09.001
Turhan, İ., Oğuz, H. & Yusufoğlu, E. (2012). Chebyshev polynomial solution of the system of Cauchy-type singular integral equations of the first kind. Informa UK Limited, 90(5),944 - 954. 10.1080/00207160.2012.738811
Özkan, S. &, T. Ç. İ. (2022). A NUMERICAL APPROACH TO A CRACK PROBLEM IN A TRANSVERSELY ISOTROPIC ELASTIC LAYER, International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress-III, 11.12.2022
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, İ. (2011). Longitudinally cracked orthotropic strip with hinged boundaries, ICNAAM 2012, 19.09.2011
İlkem, T., , M. Y. O. &, D. A. (2011). Göller sistemi kirlilik modeli ve sayısal çözümü, III.Ereğli Kemal Akman MYO Tebliğ Günleri, 28.04.2011
Damla, A., , M. Y. O. &, İ. T. (2011). Standard olmayan sonlu fark yönteminin fuzzy diferansiyel denklemlere uygulanması, III. Ereğli Kemal Akman MYO Tebliğ günleri, 28.04.2011
Yakıt, O. M. & Turhan, İ. (2010). Stability Analysis of A Model Using Non Standard Finite Difference Schemes, Conference in Numerical Analysis (NumAn 2010), 15.09.2010
Kocabıyık, M., , Y. O. M. &, T. Ç. İ. (2023). An Application of Distributed Order Differential Equations to a HIV Infection of CD4+T-Cell Model, International Congress on Multidisciplinary Natural Sciences and Engineering (ICOMNAS-2022), 01.01.2023
Turhan, Ç. İ. (2022). An Application of Lobatto-Chebyshev Quadrature on an Elasticity Problem, International Dumlupınar Science and Mathematics Congress, 05.09.2022
Turhan, Ç. İ., , K. M. &, Y. O. M. (2020). Nonstandard Dıscretization for a Model of Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis, International Young Researches Student Congress (IYRSC 2020), 17.12.2020
Kocabıyık, M., , Y. O. M. &, T. Ç. İ. (2020). DAĞILIMLI MERTEBEDEN SVIR EPİDEMİK MODELİNİN NÜMERİK ANALİZİ, International Young Researches Student Congress (IYRSC 2020), 17.12.2020
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, Ç. İ. (2019). A semi-analytical solution of the contact problem with mixed boundary conditions for the inhomogeneous layers loaded by a flat punch, The Fourth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2019), 20.04.2019
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, Ç. İ. (2019). An Application of Gauss-Chebyshev Quadrature Formulas to the Generalized Frictionless Contact Problem, Operators in General Morrey-Type Spaces and Applications (OMTSA 2019), 16.07.2019
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, Ç. İ. (2018). A Contact Problem for a Half-space With Inhomogeneous Coating, International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME), 27.07.2018
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, Ç. İ. (2017). On A Numerical Solution of Cauchy Type Singular Integral Equation, International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2017), 11.05.2017
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, İ. (2015). Crack interactions in an orthotropic strip, Colloquium 574, Recent trends in modeling of moving loads on elastic structures, 15.04.2015
Turhan, İ. & Yusufoğlu, E. (2014). A crack problem for a nonhomogeneous strip, IFORS, 13.07.2014
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, İ. (2014). Elastik ortotrop bir şeritteki tek çatlak ve iki çatlak problemleri üzerine, 13. Matematik Sempozyumu, 15.05.2014
Turhan, İ. & Yusufoğlu, E. (2013). Multi crack problems in an elastic strip, XXVI European Conference on Operational Research, 01.07.2013
Yusufoğlu, E. & Turhan, İ. (2012). A Numerical Approach for a Crack Problem by Gauss Chebyshev Quadrature, 1st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 03.09.2012
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