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Güneş Enerji Santrali, Karbon Ayak İzi, Sürdürülebilir Enerji.
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Güneş enerji santrali, alternatif enerji,yenilenebilir enerji,sürdürülebilir enerji
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Electric Vehicles, Load Flow, Solar Power Plants, Charging Stations, Power Loss, Newton-Raphson Load
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In this study, the variation of the cable service life of single core and multi-core low voltage cables, with PVC insulated copper conductor, was researched under normal usage conditions and under the effects of harmonic sources by using the experimental analysis data. It is known that temperature of cables is due to losses occurring when current flows through the conductor. How this temperature therefore the losses change according to the current when the cable is used under the normal operating conditions, and according to the current with harmonics when it is used under the effects of harmonic sources, were compared. And the effects on lifespan of the cable were revealed. In this context the effects of harmonic systems on low voltage cables used in all buildings and constructions have been demonstrated and the benefits to be obtained when harmonics are prevented have been revealed.
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cable life, harmonics, non-linear loads, cable temperature
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Artificial Neural Networks, Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Charging Stations Costs, Payback Peri
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electric car,solar energy,greenhouse gas
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Greenhouse effect , Roads , Production , Solar energy , Charging stations , Electric vehicles , Foss