Özet Metin
Mineral productions and processing are important economic activities in many parts of the world. Growth in world population, together with improvements in standards of living in many countries and development of new uses for minerals has fueled the pace of exploitations. This has been facilitated by advances in technology that allows lower-cost and more-efficient extraction along with increased recycling. Improved mining equipment, methods and technology have placed an important role in reducing the risk faced by mine workers, partly through reducing the risk of human error. Sustainability requires collaboration and communication with the local and the wider community. Strategic partnerships with communities should be fostered to optimize social and economical benefits from its activities. The wisdom of sustainable development requires optimal outcomes for the industry, economy, society and the environment. Sustainable development for the mineral sector is broad and it encompasses for both public and private property, the sustaining of natural resources, ecosystem, communities and economies as they relate to the processes and products of the sector. For mineral sector, it involves minimizing rather than optimizing the negative effects of production and maximizing the potential benefits of the sector’s current capacity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Mining, Mineral Industry
Özet Metin
Major purpose of providing a truck dispatching system is to maximize productivity of the system. The selection of best dispatching strategy for open pit truck-shovel haulage systems is a site-specific problem. In this study, eight basic heuristic truck dispatching policies are modeled in GPSS/H simulation language to simulate truck-shovel haulage systems operations. System simulation experiments are carried out at various mine operating conditions. A comprehensive analysis and comparison of these basic heuristics dispatching policies are performed using ANOVA method. An adaptive truck dispatching rule is developed using the standardized utilizations of both truck and shovel resources concurrently. A general conclusion is that dispatching can improve production in truck-shovel haulage systems in open pit mining operations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hueristic Truck dispatching, Open Pit Mining, Discrete-Event system Simulation, GPSS/H
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A stochastic truck dispatching and production simulation program is developed for a medium-sized hypothetical open pit mine in a single material type to investigate the effects of several factors on the truck/shovel systems productivity. Eight basic heuristic truck dispatching rules are modeled in separate programs using GPSSS/H software to perform the simulation runs. Animation is used to validate the simulation models with PROOF software. Full-factorial simulation experiments are carried out on the simulation output to investigate the effects of several factors including the truck dispatching rules. Statistical analysis of simulation experiments are made using ANOVA methods and mean comparison tests are performed with Tukey’s method to compare the alternatives using Minitab statistical package. Regression analysis gives R2, coefficient of determination, values of 56.7%, 84.1% and 79.6% for three selected performance measures, namely, overall shovel utilization, overall truck utilization and total truck productions, respectively.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Truck-Shovel Haulage Systems Heuristic Rules Truck Dispatching Discrete-Event System Simulation GPS
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Bu çalışma da, mevcut olan Hüristik kamyon sevk kriterleri incelenmiştir. Bu temel hüristik kriterlerin tanımları yapılmış ve ana özellikleri verilmiştir. İki ekskavatörlü küçük bir örnek problem sunulmuştur. Açık ocak işletmelerinde kullanımlarım alanları karşılaştırılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hüristik Kurallar, Kamyon Sevk Sistemi, Açık Ocak Madenciliği, Taşıma Sistemi